MJ’s Story – Aiming High

MJ took part in Aiming High in early 2024 and has gained new confidence and met new friends along the way. Our Aiming High project aim’s to empower young people to share their stories, stay safe online and to become more financially and digitally aware.

‘I signed up to do Aiming High because I felt lonely and wanted to meet new friends. I came to the UK in December 2023 and I arrived in Newcastle on Christmas Eve. The first thing I saw was the amazing Christmas lights and Fenwick’s window. It felt like a fairytale from a book I read as a child.

I came from a country where there was war and I had to leave behind everyone and everything I knew. I was put into foster care because I was too young to live alone and I’m glad because I found a family in the UK straight away. But I found it hard to find friends. I had many friends in my home country but here I knew nobody.

I had to go to college to learn English and here is where I found out about Aiming High and met the kind people from Headliners. It sounded so fun but also that it would teach me important things. At home we didn’t really have bank accounts, We always used cash and I really wasn’t sure how to use them. It was good to learn how to use this new thing and how to keep my money safe. I also learned how to budget and make sure I can afford everything.

I really enjoyed working with recording equipment. As I was learning a new language this was a good way to practice this and to create a podcast about my story was fun. But It also helped me to become more confident. I learned that everyone in my group had a different story but we had all faced some similar things. This helped me to become confident and make new friends.

I feel happy in my new home. Newcastle is full of great people who have been so welcoming to me. My favourite thing about living in the UK is that I feel safe from war, but I also love Sunday Dinners! I wish I could have a Sunday Dinner every day! I also love Greggs. I love Empire Biscuits and Jam Doughnuts the best. I am learning everyday about the UK and the culture and I think it is amazing.

I have had so many good times with Headliners, They have taught me so much, Supported me at a hard time in my life and been there to help me all along the way.

I hope that other people like me choose to work with Headliners. It has really helped me feel normal again.”

The Aiming High Project was made possible by the kind support of The Santander Foundation.