Category: Case Studies

Bright Sparks – Mo’s Story

This story comes from young carer Mo, 19, who lives with his 18-year-old brother. Mo took part in our Bright Sparks project which aims to support young people who are eligible for the priority register to reduce their energy usage, save money, budget and stay safe when it comes to Carbon Monoxide in the home. […]

Tyne on Your Side – Elle’s Story

“My name is Elle and I am 16. I recently joined Headliners as part of the Tyne on your Side Project. I found out about Tyne on Your Side when someone came into my school to tell us about it.   I am quite quiet normally and I thought this would be a good opportunity to […]

MJ’s Story – Aiming High

MJ took part in Aiming High in early 2024 and has gained new confidence and met new friends along the way. Our Aiming High project aim’s to empower young people to share their stories, stay safe online and to become more financially and digitally aware. ‘I signed up to do Aiming High because I felt […]


“Hi, I’m Reza from Newcastle. I have been doing Tyne on Your Side with Headliners and it has really inspired me. I signed up to do it because I had been out of education for a couple of years and was struggling to get a job. I was drawn to it because I was interested […]

Aiming High – Alie’s Story

Alie has only been living in the UK since this summer and is currently living in Newcastle a city that has become his safe space and is very welcoming. He has really enjoyed the Aiming High project and has really embraced it, he has learnt a lot of new skills within our budgeting, banking and […]


My name is Abi and I’m from Newcastle. I got to know Headliners back in December when I signed up to do the Tyne on Your side project. Being a care leaver is something that isn’t easy. I do get so much support from my social worker and from other organisations but it’s different from […]

Aiming High – My Story

The name and age of the young person has been removed to protect their identity. The young person is an asylum seeker who took part in in our Aiming High project for 12 weeks along with 9 other participants and as well as improving their digital and financial skills they took part in a programme […]


Over the past 12 weeks We have been working with Woodlawn School in North Tyne side as part of the Tyne on your side project. The Group have been working towards their photography OCN qualification which explored “What makes a good photograph?” and also learning about the rule of thirds and different angles they can […]