Tyne on Your Side – Elle’s Story

“My name is Elle and I am 16. I recently joined Headliners as part of the Tyne on your Side Project. I found out about Tyne on Your Side when someone came into my school to tell us about it.  

I am quite quiet normally and I thought this would be a good opportunity to get a bit more confidence. I also love being creative and thought this would be a good opportunity for me.  

Life isn’t always easy for me; I have always worried about what my future would look like because I have ASD and ADHD. I didn’t always think that this is something that would make someone want to give me a job. What makes it more complicated is that I struggle with hearing and use hearing aids. I lip read a lot, but this relies on being able to see someone’s face which in a workplace isn’t always going to be easy.  

Working with Headliners has given me a new confidence. I understand now that I am not defined by having a learning difficulty or a disability. Headliners has given me the push I needed to speak to employers, explain that I might need support in the work place, but has given me the courage to show them, I am valuable, I can do this job as well as anyone else and in fact, I think I can even do it better.  

As well as learning journalism I have learned to give my opinion, speak up about things that affect me and be my own advocate.  

One of the most valuable parts of the experience was how Headliners linked me to volunteering opportunities. Through these, I was able to apply my new skills in real-world situations, meet new people, and gain work experience that I can now proudly put on my CV. Volunteering helped me develop confidence in speaking to others, and I realised how much I could contribute. 

Now, I feel confident about my future. I know that with the right mindset, I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. Headliners has not only given me the skills but also the belief that I can thrive in a job, and I can take control of my own life. I’m excited for what comes next. “

The Tyne on Your side project would not be possible without the kind support of our funders. Thank you to The Benicia Foundation and The Community Foundation for giving us the opportunity to support young people like Elle.