Bright Sparks – Mo’s Story

This story comes from young carer Mo, 19, who lives with his 18-year-old brother. Mo took part in our Bright Sparks project which aims to support young people who are eligible for the priority register to reduce their energy usage, save money, budget and stay safe when it comes to Carbon Monoxide in the home. The project also links young people up with networks that can support them.  

‘Hello, my name is Mo and I recently got to take part in the Bright Sparks project with Headliners.  

I got involved through my carers centre as I am a young carer. Being young it’s quite hard to navigate bills and look after your money. I have responsibilities but I also want to be young and go out and spend my money on fun stuff like gaming. But I must think about the fact that I have to keep the heating on.  

It was good meeting with Headliners, they gave me some tips about how to save money. Things that you don’t think of like just to use a blanket before turning up the heating. Or to charge your phone at college to save your electric in the house. It’s made me really think about things to save your money. My brother gets annoyed at me now because I’m always knocking on the door telling them they are taking too long in the shower or switching lights off behind them.


They also taught me some important things about safety. Like I didn’t really know about carbon monoxide properly. I knew that it was something, but I probably didn’t take it that seriously. Now I know that I have to check the alarm they gave me, and I am aware of the dangers of it.  

I am saving money now and I’m worrying less about the bills. I feel safer, and I know that I have support available to me, like the priority register.  

I think Headliners does a great job of working with young people on these sorts of things because they know how to speak to us, and they care about us a lot.’ 

The Bright Sparks project is kindly funded by Northern Gas Networks Community Partnering via the Community Foundation. Thank you to these funders for your ongoing support and enabling us to make a difference to the lives of young people like Mo.